notes: [Th] [G&S] [Dent] [∞] [wbks] [rw] [rw2] [images] [hyper]
Delaney: [0] Useen: [] [cp] maps: [other] [*]
notes: [Th] [G&S] [Dent] [∞] [wbks] [rw] [rw2] [images] [hyper]
Delaney: [0] Useen: [] [cp] maps: [other] [*]
'Tis, sure. What say? In the speakeasy. Tight. I shee you, shir.
"'Tis": (what is what? maybe someone said 'good evening'?)
"What say?" = shall we? (or, what did you say?)
(perhaps we're hearing one side of a conversation, the other side being spoken softly/privately? so 'In the speakeasy' and 'Tight' might be answers to unheard questions)
"I shee you": maybe 'I get your point'
Bantam, two days teetee. Bowsing nowt but claretwine. Garn! Have a glint, do. Gum, I'm jiggered.
"teetee" = TT = teetotal
"Bowsing" = drinking (to excess, for enjoyment)
"One time nought but claret drinking": song, The Rakes of Mallow ♬
(Bantam here may serve as an Odysseus-figure, resisting the temptation to eat Helios's sacred oxen)
"Garn" = go on, get away with you (Cockney)
"glint" = glance, look
"Gum" = God (euph)
"I'm jiggered" = i'll be damned ( = Jesus + buggered?)
this is all just teasing Bantam Lyons. he's turned up earlier in Dubliners [Boarding] [IvyDay?] p71 and 170
(JB: since ch5 and ch14 are symmetrical poles (overreligious and over-irreligious), Lyons' double-appearance should illuminate these motifs)
And been to barber he have. Too full for words. With a railway bloke.
"been to barber he have": cf JAJ "The double-thudding Anglo-Saxon motive recurs from time to time... to give the sense of the hoofs of oxen."
"barber": cf p71 "Shaved off his moustache again, by Jove!"
"Too full for words": this expression is normally applied sentimentally to hearts, but Bloom deflated it in ch5 by applying it to horses with their mouths full, p74 (so is Bloom remembering this association??)
"railway bloke": mysterious, unless it's Lenehan punning even more clumsily than usual. (is Bantam carrying roses?)
How come you so? Opera he'd like? Rose of Castile. Rows of cast. Police! Some H2O for a gent fainted.
"How come you so?" how come you [say] so? (or, how did you come to be so...?)
Cyclops note: "Bantam Lyons buys flowers for girl: drunk fall about"
Look at Bantam's flowers. Gemini, he's going to holler. The colleen bawn, my colleen bawn. O, cheese it! Shut his blurry Dutch oven with a firm hand.
"holler" = sing?
"colleen bawn" probably 'It is a charming girl I love' from 'The Lily of Killarney' lyrics sheetmusic (Molly was whistling it p216) Spotify
"cheese it": Dent suggests Joyce relied on a dictionary that mistakenly glosssed this as 'be quiet' (instead of 'run away')
"blurry" = bloody [more]
"Dutch oven" = mouth (maybe boxing slang, implying Punch Costello?)
Had the winner today till I tipped him a dead cert. The ruffin cly the nab of Stephen Hand as give me the jady coppaleen. He strike a telegramboy paddock wire big bug Bass to the depot. Shove him a joey and grahamise. Mare on form hot order. Guinea to a goosegog.
Lenehan is speaking of Lyons (see ch10 WRocks)
"dead cert": cf Lenehan p123
JAJ: "The ruffin cly etc is gipsy = the devil take the head of S.H. who gave me (the name) of) the good-for-nothing little horse (ie. which did not win Gold Cup)"
'The ruffin cly the nab' = The devil take the head (...of the constable) (from Head's Canting Academy)
'Stephen Hand' = historical Dubliner who illegally intercepted a bad racing tip (but on a different date)
"jady": 'jade' = good for nothing or vicious horse
"coppaleen" = little horse (Anglo-Irish)
Atherton suggests Lenehan is using cant to obscure the incriminating details from any potential eavesdroppers, as criminals do.
cf Odysseus's men stealing the sacred oxen
JAJ: "S.H. met a telegramboy who was bringing a private racing telegram from the stable of the celebrated English brewer Bass to the police depot in Dublin to a friend there to back B’s horse Sceptre for the Cup. S. H. gives boy 4 pence, opens the telegram over steam (grahamising), recloses it and sends the boy on with it, backs Sceptre to win and loses. (This really happened and his name was Stephen Hand though it was not the Gold Cup.)" letter to Georg Goyert 06Mar27
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28yo in 1901 |
"joey" = fourpenny piece
"Mare on form" = Sceptre is in good shape to win
"hot order" = favorite, with heavy betting
"Guinea to a goosegog" = long odds
"goosegog" = gooseberry
Skeffington coincidentally tells a story of JAJ betting him he wouldn't buy a halfpenny's worth of gooseberries and pay with a gold sovereign [e62]
Tell a cram, that. Gospeltrue. Criminal diversion? I think that yes. Sure thing. Land him in chokeechokee if the harman beck copped the game. Madden back Madden's a maddening back.
"cram" = a lie
"Tell a cram" = telegram (pun) [more]
'chokee' = prison
"harman beck" = constable (Richard Head)
"Madden... Madden": Sceptre ridden by O. Madden, bet on by W Madden
O, lust, our refuge and our strength. Decamping. Must you go? Off to mammy. Stand by. Hide my blushes someone. All in if he spots me.
JAJ: "'O, lust, our refuge and our strength' 'John Thomas, her spouse' 'Through yerd our Lord, Amen' parodies of phrases in the prayer read after Low Mass in the language of the country, written by Leo XIII. [etext] It begins 'O God, our refuge + our strength' and goes on. Other phrases are 'Saint Joseph, her spouse,' 'Through Christ our Lord. Amen'. John Thomas and yerd are slang and O.E. for Schwanz"
Bloom overheard the 'official' version p79
'mammy': (someone is married? or is this Mulligan towards Haines?)
'Hide my blushes': Lenehan hiding from Lyons? (not Bannon from Bloom-- too early) maybe Mulligan from SD? (longshot: echoes Beaumont & Fletcher's Maid's Tragedy: "...hide The blushes of the bride" etext)
Comeahome, our Bantam. Horryvar, mong vioo. Dinna forget the cowslips for hersel. Cornfide. Wha gev ye thon colt? Pal to pal. Jannock. Of John Thomas, her spouse. No fake, old man Leo. S'elp me, honest injun. Shiver my timbers if I had.
"Horryvar, mong vioo" = au revoir, mon vieux = goodbye old fellow (French)
"cowslips": Bantam's flowers are for his new girl, for whom he shaved to look younger ...so he's going to meet her at 11pm?!?
Atherton thinks Bantam is married, and so is perhaps hoping to smooth over after a fight? but in Lotus he seems an aging bachelor...
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cowslips |
someone (Lenehan?) asks: confide in me. who gave you that colt?
Throwaway was a five-year-old, not a colt
"colt": maybe 'cold', or girl? (ie, Milly)
JB: hypothesis: earlier we heard: "...Alec Bannon, who had late come to town, it being his intention to buy a colour or a cornetcy in the fencibles and list for the wars..." [Oxen]
since Bannon was definitely definitely after a condom, with no other suggestion of a military appointment (colour or cornetcy), Joyce may be using a 'co-' code, with 'colt' again standing for 'condom' here.
"Jannock" = honest, candid (Eng slang)
"Of John Thomas, her spouse" = of St Joseph her spouse (parody)
"John Thomas" = penis
JAJ: "...John Thomas and yerd are slang and O.E. for Schwanz"
"old man Leo": either Lyons is crediting Bloom with giving him the Throwaway tip, or Bannon is crediting him for the condom (or for Milly herself, the coltish girl?)
"Leo": if it's Bannon, he may just have Bloom's first but not last name at this point
according to the Homeric parallel, 'Leo' here may be Helios, and the 'colt' the stolen oxen
"if I had": if I had lied? if I had timbers?? if I had mentioned Milly's name in front of LB???
There's a great big holy friar. Vyfor you no me tell? Vel, I ses, if that aint a sheeny nachez, vel, I vil get misha mishinnah. Through yerd our lord, Amen.
JAJ: "'holy friar' = 'bloody liar'."
JAJ: "sheeny nachez = sheeny = jew, nachez = thing. Just what you'd expect a jew (judisch) to do (cf Goim nachez in Circe when Rudolph Bloom speaks = christian folly!)"
JAJ: "misha mishinnah = a bad violent and unprepared for death or end (judisch" (cf ch6 on Dignam and last rites? Hades)
the Yiddish dialect and use of 'sheeny' suggests Mulligan
somehow, that Milly's father Leo "gev ye thon colt" is a shocking jewish thing. turning loose a nubile teen? giving a condom to her boyfriend?
yerd = penis (Old English)
You move a motion? Steve boy, you're going it some.
More bluggy drunkables? Will immensely splendiferous stander permit one stooder of most extreme poverty and one largesize grandacious thirst to terminate one expensive inaugurated libation? Give's a breather.
Landlord, landlord, have you good wine, staboo? Hoots, mon, a wee drap to pree. Cut and come again.
Right Boniface! Absinthe the lot. Nos omnes biberimus viridum toxicum diabolus capiat posteriora nostria. Closingtime, gents.
Eh? Rome boose for the Bloom toff. I hear you say onions? Bloo? Cadges ads? Photo's papli, by all that's gorgeous. Play low, pardner. Slide. Bonsoir la compagnie. And snares of the poxfiend.
Bonsoir la compagnie
Where's the buck and Namby Amby? Skunked? Leg bail. Aweel, ye maun e'en gang yer gates. Checkmate. King to tower. Kind Kristyann wil yu help yung man hoose frend tuk bungalo kee to find plais whear to lay crown of his hed 2 night.
Crickey, I'm about sprung. Tarnally dog gone my shins if this beent the bestest puttiest longbreak yet. Item, curate, couple of cookies for this child.
Cot's plood and prandypalls, none! Not a pite of sheeses? Thrust syphilis down to hell and with him those other licensed spirits. Time. Who wander through the world. Health all. A la vôtre!
mysteries: railway bloke
oxen: 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
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