Thursday, January 8, 2015

Page 446 (15.1171-1199) "is dead and... a time fuse."

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is dead and therein fail not at your peril or may the Lord have mercy on your soul. Remove him.

(A black skullcap descends upon his head. The subsheriff Long John Fanning appears, smoking a pungent Henry Clay.)


(Scowls and calls with rich rolling utterance.) Who'll hang Judas Iscariot?

(H. Rumbold, master barber, in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, a rope coiled over his shoulder, mounts the block. A life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt. He rubs grimly his grappling hands, knobbed with knuckledusters.)


(To the recorder with sinister familiarity.) Hanging Harry, your Majesty, the Mersey terror. Five guineas a jugular. Neck or nothing.

(The bells of George's church toll slowly, loud dark iron.)


Heigho! Heigho!


(Desperately.) Wait. Stop. Gulls. Good heart. I saw. Innocence. Girl in the monkeyhouse. Zoo. Lewd chimpanzee. (Breathlessly.) Pelvic basin. Her artless blush unmanned me. (Overcome with emotion.) I left the precincts. (He turns to a figure in the crowd, appealing.) Hynes, may I speak to you? You know me. That three shillings you can keep. If you want a little more...


(Coldly.) You are a perfect stranger.


(Points to the corner.) The bomb is here.


Infernal machine with a time fuse.




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