Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Page 432 (15.724-754) "FIRST WATCH Proof.... Clear my name."

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(A card falls from inside the leather headband of Bloom's hat.)


(In red fez, cadi's dress coat with broad green sash, wearing a false badge of the Legion of Honour, picks up the card hastily and offers it.) Allow me. My club is the Junior Army and Navy. Solicitors: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk.


(Reads.) Henry Flower. No fixed abode. Unlawfully watching and besetting.


An alibi. You are cautioned.


(Produces from his heartpocket a crumpled yellow flower.) This is the flower in question. It was given me by a man I don't know his name. (Plausibly.) You know that old joke, rose of Castile. Bloom. The change of name. Virag. (He murmurs privately and confidentially.) We are engaged you see, sergeant. Lady in the case. Love entanglement. (He shoulders the second watch gently.) Dash it all. It's a way we gallants have in the navy. Uniform that does it. (He turns gravely to the first watch.) Still, of course, you do get your Waterloo sometimes. Drop in some evening and have a glass of old Burgundy. (To the second watch gaily.) I'll introduce you, inspector. She's game. Do it in the shake of a lamb's tail.

pimping his imaginary fiancee (Martha Clifford?)

(A dark mercurialised face appears, leading a veiled figure.)


The Castle is looking for him. He was drummed out of the army.


(Thickveiled, a crimson halter round her neck, a copy of the Irish Times in her hand, in tone of reproach, pointing.) Henry! Leopold! Lionel, thou lost one! Clear my name.




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