Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Page 525 (15.3709-3739) "BLACK LIZ Gara... yachtsman's cap and"

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Gara. Klook. Klook. Klook. (She sidles from her newlaid egg and waddles off.)


(Points to his hand.) That weal there is an accident. Fell and cut it twentytwo years ago. I was sixteen.


I see, says the blind man. Tell us news.


See? Moves to one great goal. I am twentytwo. Sixteen years ago he was twentytwo too. Sixteen years ago I twentytwo tumbled. Twentytwo years ago he sixteen fell off his hobbyhorse. (He winces.) Hurt my hand somewhere. Must see a dentist. Money?

(Zoe whispers to Florry. They giggle. Bloom releases his hand and writes idly on the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.)



(A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with a gallantbuttocked mare, driven by James Barton, Harmony Avenue, Donnybrook, trots past. Blazes Boylan and Lenehan sprawl swaying on the sideseats. The Ormond boots crouches behind on the axle. Sadly over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze.)


(Jogging, mocks them with thumb and wriggling wormfingers.) Haw haw have you the horn?

(Bronze by gold they whisper.)


(To Florry.) Whisper. (She whispers again.)

(Over the well of the car Blazes Boylan leans, his boater straw set sideways, a red flower in his mouth. Lenehan, in yachtsman's cap and




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