Monday, March 3, 2014

Page 16 (1.476-512) "All Ireland... snotrag, he said."

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Delaney: [37]

— All Ireland is washed by the gulfstream, Stephen said as he let honey trickle over a slice of the loaf.

Europe's climate is comparatively mild because warm water from the Caribbean continually drifts north. [debate]

Joyce free-associates the ocean currents with the honey, making SD a mildly hedonistic Irishman. cf BM's bread: "thickly buttered on both sides"

Haines from the corner where he was knotting easily a scarf about the loose collar of his tennis shirt spoke:
— I intend to make a collection of your sayings if you will let me.

Haines probably means you-the-Irish-people, collectively
1900 tennis shirts

Speaking to me. They wash and tub and scrub. Agenbite of inwit. Conscience. Yet here's a spot.
— That one about the cracked lookingglass of a servant being the symbol of Irish art is deuced good.

"...writ Ayenbite of inwyt." [ms]

'deuced' = euphemism for 'damned'
(Haines assumes he's worthy)

Delaney: [38]

Buck Mulligan kicked Stephen's foot under the table and said with warmth of tone:
— Wait till you hear him on Hamlet, Haines.
— Well, I mean it, Haines said, still speaking to Stephen. I was just thinking of it when that poor old creature came in.
— Would I make money by it? Stephen asked.
Haines laughed and, as he took his soft grey hat from the holdfast of the hammock, said:
— I don't know, I'm sure.
He strolled out to the doorway.

'holdfast' = hook that holds it fast to the wall (so Haines took this hammock last night)
'strolled' = smug colonial tourist, again
Haines must know the answer is 'no'-- there's zero chance SD would make money even from a book of just his own sayings

soft hat = newsboys' cap?

Buck Mulligan bent across to Stephen and said with coarse vigour:
— You put your hoof in it now. What did you say that for?
— Well? Stephen said. The problem is to get money. From whom? From the milkwoman or from him. It's a toss up, I think.
— I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan said, and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes.
— I see little hope, Stephen said, from her or from him.

why does this make BM angry, suddenly??? does SD's attitude really surprise/disappoint him? had they teamed up to exploit people together in the past, and now SD has changed direction? maybe because BM didn't really apologise?

BM feels he's wasted his effort, overextended himself

BM's approach is to "play them" (below), conniving, lying, playing a false role, all of which SD has forsworn for the sake of his Art...?

Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand on Stephen's arm.
— From me, Kinch, he said.
In a suddenly changed tone he added:
— To tell you the God's truth I think you're right. Damn all else they are good for. Why don't you play them as I do? To hell with them all. Let us get out of the kip.
He stood up, gravely ungirdled and disrobed himself of his gown, saying resignedly:
— Mulligan is stripped of his garments.
He emptied his pockets onto the table.
— There's your snotrag, he said.

"the kip" = working for others?


mysteries: BM's anger

[DD 01:00-03:48]

[IM 36:57-39:28]

[LV1 38:58-41:38]

[LV2 05:05-06:58]

telemachus: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1 comment:

  1. I think "get out of the kip" means just "let's get on our way"

    Everyday English and slang in Ireland:

    (n) a dump or a dive



    A lodging or a lodging-house; a doss-house: low
