Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Page 179 (9.96-129) "Bound thee... murder."

editions: [1922] [html] [archv]
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Delaney: [330] Useen: [] [cp] maps: [other] [*]
fd: [329]
Bound thee forth, my booklet, quick
To greet the callous public.
Writ, I ween, 'twas not my wish
In lean unlovely English.

'polished' not "callous"

— The peatsmoke is going to his head, John Eglinton opined.

ie, to Haines' head

We feel in England. Penitent thief. Gone. I smoked his baccy. Green twinkling stone. An emerald set in the ring of the sea.

— People do not know how dangerous lovesongs can be, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly. The movements which work revolutions in the world are born out of the dreams and visions in a peasant's heart on the hillside. For them the earth is not an exploitable ground but the living mother. The rarefied air of the academy and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the musichall song, France produces the finest flower of corruption in Mallarmé but the desirable life is revealed only to the poor of heart, the life of Homer's Phaeacians.

cf AE 1901

From these words Mr Best turned an unoffending face to Stephen.

— Mallarmé, don't you know, he said, has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to read to me in Paris. The one about Hamlet. He says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know, reading the book of himself. He describes Hamlet given in a French town, don't you know, a provincial town. They advertised it.

French etext
[some Mallarme translations]
Susan Mitchell says Best loved "Pater and Wilde and other decadent exquisites"

39yo in 1911

His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air.

Le Distrait
Pièce de Shakespeare

He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown:

Pièce de Shakespeare, don't you know. It's so French, the French point of view. Hamlet ou...

Dumas did a streamlined French translation [ebook] [Englished]

— The absentminded beggar, Stephen ended.

lyrics, ♬ tune

fd: [330]
John Eglinton laughed.

— Yes, I suppose it would be, he said. Excellent people, no doubt, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters.

Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder.



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